Briotech Chief Science Officer, Guest Speaker on Infinite Health Webinar
Briotech's Chief Science Officer, Dr. Jeff Williams, joins Sheila Kilbane, MD and Integrative Pediatrician, and Deborah Allen, RPH and Integrative Pharmacist, as guest speaker on the Infinite Health webinar, Re-imagining Life After COVID-19.
The discussion touches on Briotech's achievements and how HOCl can play an integral role in safe reentry into every day life, as well as across the board in so many different areas of health.
Infinite Health Webinar
May 23, 2020
Re-Entry: Reimagining Life After COVID-19
The discussion touches on Briotech's achievements and how HOCl can play an integral role in safe reentry into every day life, as well as across the board in so many different areas of health.
Infinite Health Webinar
May 23, 2020
Re-Entry: Reimagining Life After COVID-19
"Hello and welcome everyone. I'm Dr. Shiela Kilbane. I’m here in Charlotte (NC), I’m an Integrative Pediatrician and I am extremely excited to have Dr. Jeff Williams here. Tonight we are going to talk about a product that his company has developed and we’re also going to talk about this reentry because we’re living in this world of COVID and none of us have ever seen anything like this before. When Deb, our Integrative Pharmacist, learned about this product, we started doing a lot more research and this is impressive, because its so natural and its not as toxic as some of the other cleaning agents that we might use for everything from the corona virus to other viruses and bacteria."