A Company that Cares
BRIO /brēō/, noun: strength, spirit, life, action, passion, energy. True to our name, we are passionate about our formulations and energized by our commitment to make a difference in people's lives and around the world by fundamentally changing health, healing, and disinfection through education and distribution of BrioHOCl® and through our humanitarian division, BrioEarth™.
BrioEarth™ is a philanthropic organization, namely focused on the welfare of underserved children, at-risk women, animals in need, and those affected by racial and economic inequality, that provides charitable donations, services, and other support to charitable projects, causes, and groups with initiatives for public good, quality of life, and that aim to promote awareness of early intervention solutions surrounding disease prevention, wound care, and sanitation.

Culture of Goodwill
Working to establish a humanitarian arm within Briotech was always a major focus of its founders, Dan Terry and Cynthia Varela, and since its inception in 2010, this foundational work of creating a company culture of goodwill is seen through the numerous product donations Briotech made to various charities and disaster relief efforts in those early years. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, BrioEarth™ was formally founded as the humanitarian division of Briotech in May of 2020 to provide urgent response to individuals and communities in need.

Disaster & Pandemic Response
Since Briotech’s initial call for assistance to donate BrioHOCl® product for relief efforts during the 2014 Hurricane Odile in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, BrioEarth™ has carried on the company’s tradition of making HOCl universally available for all who need and can benefit from it through donations of personal care, cosmetic, and sanitizing products.
Distribution reach in response to disaster and pandemic crises within the U.S. and internationally, includes medical support staff within refugee camps, first responders and tribal nations during the COVID-19 crisis, displaced individuals and sanitation recovery work within earthquake and hurricane disaster zones, firefighters and wildfire animal rescue associations, and public servants in the health and scientific sector of infectious disease outbreak.

Joining Forces
BrioEarth™ believes that when we work together, we are most effective. With this mantra fueling the common purpose collaborative work with others of shared values, we join forces with the private sector, communities, government, academia, institutions, and other foundations to make great things happen.
When you do something with soul, creativity, or love, you put a piece of yourself into what you’re doing. This is the definition of Meraki, and it is engrained in the foundation of our culture.

We facilitate a venue for innovative strategizing that improves alignment through discussion, cooperation, learning, and distribution of goods & services through donations, contracts, and relationships. BrioEarth™ has teamed up with organizations that aid & house the homeless, save & support victims of human trafficking, provide education & therapies to children of diverse abilities, and with research institutes and universities. They include the Build A Bus Home Mobile Shower & Hygiene Program, the Earth Homes Micro Housing Project, the Free to Fly organization, Kindering, the University of Washington | Bothell School of STEM, and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH-NAID).
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Employee Engagement
The energy of our commitment to make a positive difference in people’s lives and around the world, extends beyond the company to every employee on our team. As individual reflections of the communities we serve, we embrace our diversities and grow stronger together through mutual respect. We recognize that our employees deserve a welcoming workplace in which they are seen, heard, and represented, and we are delighted to embrace and honor them.

Be Kind Project
Our beKind Project was carried forward by Briotech founders with the vision of spreading kindness and raising humanity through employee engagement. In this program, a portion of Briotech quarterly sales is earmarked for monetary donations gifted on behalf of individual employees toward causes they hold near and dear.
Local and global charities of choice that our employees held meaningful include the Mona Foundation, Kindering, Wigs for Kids, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Doctors Without Borders, Wounded Warriors Project, Animal Humane Society, Rainbow Center, Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, Hawaii Wildlife Fund, and Ovarian & Breast Cancer Alliance.
Brio Earth Blogs

Mona Foundation, Educating Children & Empowering Women — Employee's Choice Donation
Mona Foundation was chosen by a Brio employee for donation. Mona Foundation is an organization who believe that they key to alleviating poverty and achieving sustained community transformation lies...
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Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, Improving Patient Outcome — Employee's Choice Donation
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network was chosen by a Brio employee for donation. PCAN is a non-profit organization dedicated to fighting the world's toughest cancer and determined to improve patient ou...
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Wounded Warrior Project, Committed to Helping Veterans with PTSD — Employee's Choice Donation
Wounded Warrior Project was chosen by a Brio employee for donation. WWP serves Veterans who incurred a physical or mental injury, illness, or wound during or after service.
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Partnering for Purpose
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
This Margaret Mead quote hangs in the lobby of our U.S. headquarters as daily inspiration for all who enter. We are dedicated to the mission we have set for Briotech and the humanitarian work of BrioEarth™. We firmly believe that when we partner in goodwill for beneficial purpose, our capacity to create long-term solutions that enrich our world by building stronger communities and raising humanity, is limitless.
Follow our work on LinkedIn, because when you partner with us to create positive change, we are even stronger.