Shape Magazine: Never Heard of Hypochlorous Acid? You Soon Will.
In this Shape Magazine article by Melanie Rud, a Chicago-based beauty writer and editor, experts "reveal everything you need to know about hypochlorous acid" and Dr. Michelle Henry, MD and Clinical Instructor of Dermatology at Weill Medical College, highlights Briotech HOCl.
Shape Magazine
July 27, 2020
Hypochlorous Acid Is the Skin Care Ingredient You Want to Be Using These Days
If you've never heard of hypochlorous acid, mark my words, you soon will. While the ingredient isn't exactly new, it's become extremely buzzy as of late. Why all the hype? Well, not only is it an effective skin-care ingredient, delivering a litany of benefits, but it's also an effective disinfectant that even works against SARS-CoV-2 (aka the coronavirus). If that's not newsworthy, I don't know what is. Ahead, experts reveal everything you need to know about hypochlorous acid, and how to best use it in today's COVID-19 world.
It's commonly used as a disinfectant because of its powerful action against bacteria, fungi, and viruses and is one of the only cleaning agents available that's non-toxic to humans while still being lethal to most dangerous bacteria and viruses that threaten our health, says David Petrillo, cosmetic chemist and founder of Perfect Image.
So it's not surprising that the extremely versatile ingredient is used in a number of different ways... Another expert-recommended option: Briotech Topical Skin Spray (Buy It, This can help speed up healing and protect your skin, says Petrillo. Dr. Henry adds that the tried-and-true effective formula is also lab-tested for stability and purity. "
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