News / Media

The Latrine Project — Odor Control and Virus Inactivation
“Our approach is to get rid of the odor and make it more clean by inactivating viruses,” said Robins, who has a doctoral degree in bioorganic chemistry. “Viruses that cause diarrhea, for example, c...
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Addressing Sanitation Improvement in Developing Regions of the World
Research group hopes to show (BrioHOCl™) can combat stinky compounds in latrine [and] inactivates noroviruses responsible for gastroenteritis, vomiting and diarrhea.
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From Acne to Ebola — Briotech Feature in The Herald
Mass producing HOCl and distributing it at an affordable price is the goal of Terry and his company, Briotech, Inc., based in Woodinville, just south of the Snohomish-King county line.
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