Navajo-Hopi Family Relief
May 15, 2020
Tempe, Arizona
In partnership with StopTheBug, a nationally recognized PPE coordination and distribution organization, BrioEarth donates Pure Hypochlorous as well as our EPA-approved Multi-Surface Sanitizer. BrioEarth’s donation joined over a million dollars’ worth of PPE procured by StopTheBug, including face shields, N95 masks, and isolation gowns, all slated for distribution into medical clinics and local community centers in Navajo Nation and other outlying tribal areas. From there, it is being distributed to health clinics, hospitals, and local communities by StopTheBug and their on-the-ground partners, including the Navajo government, Doctors Without Borders, and outreach organizations in several other smaller Native communities, including the Hopi, Zuni, and Havesupai. Ron Interpreter, a local Navajo elder and professional consultant, has also become a respected and invaluable contact for this and further endeavors.