HOCl Publications

Inactivation of Prions and Amyloid Seeds with Hypochlorous Acid
PLOS Pathogens: Here we show that hypochlorous acid, a disinfectant that is produced naturally by certain cells within the body, has strong anti-prion and anti-amyloid activity. We find that a non-...
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As a sanitizing agent, the main “ingredient” behind the germ-killing effect of modern activated water devices is electroporation. This is a scientific process that applies a low-level electrical fi...
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Hypochlorous Acid as a Potential Wound Care Agent
HOCl is known to be the major strong oxidant produced by neutrophils, and is a potent microbicidal agent within these cells. Experimentally, it has been estimated that neutrophils stimulated in vit...
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American Society for MicrobiologySeptember, 1999AbstractThe efficacy of electrolyzed oxidizing water for inactivating Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella enteritidis, and Listeria monocytogenes wa...
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